To help young people become aware of the difference between the two To develop their skills to recognize hate speech online. To learn how to counter hate speech through alternative narratives
Step forward method + presentation with facts about hate speech online+creating photos with participants and statements
Step forward: 1. Create a calm atmosphere with some soft background music. Alternatively, ask the participants for silence. 2. Ask participants to take a role card out of the hat. Tell them to keep it to themselves and not to show it to anyone else. 3. Invite them all to stand up in one line, and if they agree with the statement that you read, they should make a step forward. 4. Now ask them to begin to get into the role. To help, read out some of the following statements, pausing after each one, to give people time to reflect and build up a picture of themselves and their lives. 5. At the end, participants will be at different parts of the room, and it is time to reflect. Statements: 1. If you are right-handed, take one step forward 2. If one or both of your parents graduated from college, take one step forward. 3. If you ever attended a private school or a summer camp growing up, take one step forward. 4. If you were told by your parents that you were beautiful, smart, or successful, take one step forward. 5. If you knew since you were a child that it was expected of you to go to college, take one step forward. 6. If you have immediate family members who are doctors, lawyers, or work in any degree-required profession, take one step forward. 7. If somebody called you stupid in your life, make a step forward. 8. Step forward if you ever experienced descrimination because of your religion 9. Take a step forward if you didn’t had a chance for employment because of your ethnicity 10. Take a step forward if somebody bullied you online 11. Take a step forward if you were excluded from the group of young people because of your background 12. If you feel certain that you will not be followed, harassed, or watched under close surveillance while shopping, take one step forward. Questions to reflect: ● What was the purpose of this exercise? ● What did you learn from it? ● What happened during the exercise? Were you surprised by anything? ● How did it feel to be in the group that took a step forward or a step back? ● How did it feel to be in the front or back of the room? ● Was there a time when you wanted to be a part of the group moving forward? ● What might we draw from this exercise that can help us in our everyday lives? ● How can you apply what you have learned here to the work you will do as a leader? Facts about hate speech to be shared: – 34% of young people have been victims of hate speech online, out of that ⅓ reported severe attacks including sexual harassment and stalking. – Over ½ of citizens in the EU follow debates on social media and, according to a survey, 75% of those people experienced or witnessed abuse, threat or hate speech. – Hate speech is a criminal offence under EU law – #NoPlace4Hate: hate speech is epidemic Participants will search for existing hateful content and will create posters/posts/drawings/photos/memes etc. including alternative narratives with the use of the above mentioned facts. These will later be shared online.
Markers, flip charts, camera (or phone) to take pictures.
Papers with roles written on them
Photos of participants holding statistics and awareness raising information about online hate speech. Posters/posts/drawings/memes etc. including alternative narratives with the use of the above mentioned facts
Evaluation will be done with two happy groups.
Through social media by promoting the outcomes of the sessions and spreading information regarding hate speech.